John Pepper, a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas and Louisiana, and a MBA Finance, has more than forty-six years of experience in domestic oil/gas exploration and production operations, management, and petroleum engineering consulting. Involved in the initial formation of six oil/gas firms, including an internationally recognized engineering consulting firm, all of which were successful and four of which are still in operation.
Mr. Pepper has extensive experience in not only Petroleum Engineering reserve evaluation and forecasting, but also oil and gas deal structure, asset integration and corporate re-structuring. His oil and gas experience encompasses nearly all of the major domestic oil and gas producing basins including experience in emerging resource plays such as the Bakken Shale, Woodford Shale and Powder River Basin CBM. Mr. Pepper´s oil and gas business experience includes both asset acquisition and divestiture, equity financing, mezzanine financing and subordinated debt placement and has represented both the Seller and Buyer in these various business transactions.